Les Red Lions vont pouvoir retrouver leur terrain trois fois par semaine à partir de lundi.
La Fédé a demandé à tous, média y compris, de ne pas assister à ces séances ; tous ceux qui sont amenés à côtoyer le théâtre de leurs efforts devront respecter des règles de protection très strictes.
Le protocole est très détaillé et sera réévalué en fonction des leçons du terrain. En voici quelques points marquants :
– distance de 1,5 mètre entre les joueurs
– règle d’hygiène Covid (laver les mains, ne pas se toucher le visage)
– pas de traitement physio sauf urgence
– les joueurs arrivent en équipement, pas de vestiaires ni douches
– les toilettes sont ouvertes, une personne à la fois
– Shane Mac Leod dans la tour, seul le T2 est sur le terrain et manipule les équipements au préalable désinfectés
– Maximum 4 groupes de 3 sur le terrain divisé en 4, 10 mètres de distance entre chaque joueur
– Une séance d’une heure par jour
– les groupes seront toujours composés des mêmes joueurs
– entrées et sorties du terrain un par un en respectant un écart entre chacun de 5 mètres.
Voici le protocole complet (en anglais) à respecter.
- At all time, full compliance with the health and social regulations
- Physical distancing: always min. 1,5m distance between 2 people
- Compliance with guidelines on hygiene: frequent hand washing/hand disinfection and guidelines for coughing and sneezing
- Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth
- No physical contact with other players or staff members
- no physio treatments, except if really urgent and with the necessary medical precautions
- Only fully healthy people participate. A person that doesn’t feel well or has symptoms, stays home
- Except for the training pitch and the toilets, all facilities will be closed
- No changing rooms: players need to get ready at home and in their own car
- No shower after the training
- No meeting rooms
- No bar & restaurant: players need to bring their own food & drinks
- Toilet: 1 person at a time, washing and disinfection of the hands before and after
- Training:
- Coaches instruct the players on the training exercises and the assigned player zone by videoconference prior to the training
- T1 coaches from the tower
- T2 is on the pitch, respecting the 5m radius
- the assistant is the only person to handle equipment (balls, cones, …)
- all equipment will be disinfected before and after every session
- Max. 4 training groups of max. 3 people
- pitch split into 4 quadrants, max. 3 players per quadrant
- max. 3 players per group -> 2 players + 1 goal keeper OR only 2 players
- sessions of 1 hour per day per group
- different sessions with different groups per day
- always the same 3 people
- this will enable us to control the situation, in case of infection of one of the players
- players go straight to their assigned player zone and always stick to that zone
- during exercises, players always respect 10m distance from one another
- Entering the training pitch:
- Players/staff members enter the pitch one by one, with 5m distance
- Disinfect hands at alcogel dispenser provided at pitch entrance
- Surgical masks are foreseen at pitch entrance, for emergency purposes
- Dug-outs are closed
- Players only use their own personal gear: stick, mouthguard, grip tapes, drinking bottle, supplies, …
- Leaving the training pitch:
- A player who needs to leave the pitch (toilet …), uses the marked social distancing zones and always stays min. 10m from the others
- at the end of the session, the players training in the player zone closest to the pitch entrance, leave first (5m distance)
- no one crosses a player zone where other players are still in it